Pretty Little Liars is a super suspenseful teen drama that follows a group of friends who are being tormented by a mysterious, anonymous figure. The culprit, who identifies themselves as “A”, seems to know all their secrets. The identity of this mysterious person is something that viewers are forced to guess about throughout the entire series.

Even though the A-Team did a ton of really awful things to the Liars throughout the course of the series, the Liars weren’t completely innocent. The series may have put a heavy focus on the bad things that happened to them, but they did some bad things to other people, too.

To see 5 of the worst things that happened to the Liars (& 5 of the worst things they did), keep reading!

Worst They Did: Aria Didn’t Tell Ezra About Malcolm

Aria and Ezra’s relationship definitely had its highs and lows throughout the entire series. When Aria found out that Ezra had a child from a previous relationship, it was obviously a huge surprise. But, things got complicated when Aria found out that Ezra had no idea that he had a son, thanks to his parents’ disapproval of his relationship.

If anyone else had been in Aria’s shoes, they likely would have gone straight to Ezra and told him what they knew. Unfortunately, Aria kept Malcolm’s existence a secret for a surprisingly long time and was pretty selfish on her reasons for why she didn’t tell him.

Worst Done To Them: Worms In The Food

The A-Team left some pretty twisted messages for the Liars throughout the course of the series. Although these messages started as simple texts threatening to expose their secrets, the messages got more creative and more disgustingly terrifying as the series went on.

During the second season of Pretty Little Liars, the A-Team left the Liars a particularly disgusting message: worms in their Chinese takeout. Um, ew! The friends were all together, trying to talk about the awful things that had been going on in Rosewood and got some dinner to enjoy together but unfortunately, the A-Team had tampered with it.

Worst They Did: Spencer Stole Melissa’s Paper

During the first season of the series, Spencer was feeling stressed out about a paper that she had due. So, she went onto her super sketchy sister’s computer and stole one that she had written a few years prior.

We know plagiarism is bad, but Melissa was super creepy throughout the series and it’s hard to feel bad for her in this situation. But, the fact that Spencer went on to get so much recognition for this paper until she finally came clean about the fact that she didn’t write it made this act one of the worst things that one of the Liars did.

Worst Done To Them: The Note In Hanna’s Tooth

The A-Team definitely took a lot of their messages too far. Along with simply trying to expose some of the Liars’ most precious secrets, the delivery methods that they chose were often just too terrifying and the Liars totally did not deserve some of what they got.

One example of this was the time that Hanna went to the dentist office in order to try to find some clues about a theory that the Liars had. While she was snooping through the files to get the information she needed, a member of the A-Team put a mask on her face and put her to sleep using laughing gas. When she woke up with a bloody mouth, she realized that they had done surgery on her mouth and left a note inside her tooth!

Worst They Did: The Jenna Thing

There are a lot of layers to why the infamous “Jenna Thing” was so bad for the Liars to do. On top of the event itself, the Liars spent years allowing Toby to take the blame for it and basically let him become an outcast in Rosewood because everyone thought he was a huge creep.

The Jenna Thing refers to the time that Alison claimed she saw Toby looking through Emily’s bedroom window as the Liars were all getting dressed. It was revealed later in the series that Alison didn’t actually see anything and Toby wasn’t snooping, but we all know Alison was definitely a mean girl. In order to get revenge, she tossed a smoke bomb into their garage. Unfortunately, Jenna was the one in the garage and Alison’s little prank left her blind, something that Alison and the Liars went to blame on Toby.

Worst Done To Them: Those Stolen Eggs

There are some plot lines in Pretty Little Liars that you truly have to have seen in the show to believe. The show got a little bizarre at times and although it was entertaining, we can’t deny that some of the things that happened to the Liars are just unbelievable.

One of the worst things that happened to the Liars is also one of the most unbelievable and out there things that happened in the series. During one of the later seasons, Emily decided to donate some of her eggs. Then, those eggs were stolen and, without Alison knowing, Emily’s stolen eggs were put into her and she became pregnant. On top of being bizarre, this is a massive violation of both Emily and Alison’s privacy. The twins were cute, but this was awful.

Worst They Did: Keeping The Affair A Secret

Prior to the start of the series, Aria and her family had been living in Iceland because of the fact that her father had an affair with someone in Rosewood. Aria and Alison witnessed the affair and Byron convinced Aria to keep it a secret.

We all know this must have been super hard for Aria and we don’t blame her for struggling to deal with it, but she went about it the wrong way. Instead of telling her mom about it, Aria kept it completely quiet (even when she thought Byron and Meredith were back together!) and eventually let her mom find out about the affair through a message from the A-Team.

Worst Done To Them: When Mona Hit Hanna

Let’s be honest here: Hanna had it the worst. While bad things definitely happened to all the Liars, Hanna got some of the most awful treatment from the A-Team. And to make things worse? The first person revealed to be “A” was Hanna’s best friend, Mona Vanderwaal.

Among the worst things that happened to Hanna were the time that Mona ran her over with a car. Hanna is lucky to have survived with just a broken leg at the hands of her supposed BFF! And then, Mona came to the hospital and left an eerie message right on Hanna’s cast.

Worst They Did: They Were Friends With Alison

In all the flashbacks that show the Liars’ lives before Alison disappeared, one thing becomes obvious: Alison was a terrible person. While she didn’t deserve what happened to her and she totally redeemed herself later, she was still pretty terrible pre-disappearance.

And although Alison was a mean girl who referred to Hanna as “Hefty Hanna” and Mona as “Loser Mona”, among other rude nicknames for people she didn’t like, the Liars were under her spell and totally didn’t care how she treated people.

Worst Done To Them: Drugging Emily

Being one of the Liars definitely must have been pretty stressful. It was so bad that one point, Emily found herself in the hospital with an ulcer!

Unfortunately, that was the least of Emily’s worries. While in the hospital, someone from the A-Team tampered with her food and had her ingest huge amounts of human growth hormone. This imbalance in her body got her kicked off the swim team and put her future in jeopardy.