The launch of DC’s new Suicide Squad promised action, deaths, blood, and uncertainty – and boy has it delivered. After making it perfectly clear that this book would live up to its name, the latest twist is throwing Task Force X a different kind of challenge. Not just a fight that might get them killed, but one they may not be able to think their way out of, either.

The new series from Tom Taylor and Bruno Redondo didn’t just recruit new members, but assembled a brand new Suicide Squad. One created not only by gathering existing DC criminals… but rolling them together with the surviving Revolutionaries they didn’t kill. As it turns out, combining two different teams of criminals who’ve just offed members of eachothers’ team ISN’T a recipe for success. The last issue raised the stakes by throwing readers a curveball, meaning our exclusive preview pages of Suicide Squad #3 are following one heck of a cliffhanger.

Despite their fiery meeting, the amalgamated team’s first mission officially began in Suicide Squad #2. Their task? Assassinate the former President of Badhnisia and install his replacement (whose election was bought and paid for by the American government). But what sounds like a simple mission – excepting the dozens of soldiers who will be killed in the process – went bad from the very start. The president elect was defended by heavy forces, which almost got Deadshot killed. And even before Harley Quinn could assault the former head of state backed up by Deadly Six, Chaos Kitten, Jog, and Thylacine, the mission turned to blood… and betrayal. Deadshot was stunned into silence as he watched as Osita, Aerie and Wink faked an ambush over their headsets, and executed the president themselves.

Needless to say, a dilemma for Deadshot. That’s exactly where our exclusive preview of Suicide Squad #3 begins, with Lok’s rage at the team’s failure confirming things are only going to get messier from here on out. Take a look:

The first issue proved to be a bloodbath, which means the same can be expected of Issue #2. Whether or not Deadshot is included in the casualties is an unknown for now (the obvious money is on him narrowly escaping the crash by his own means). But judging by the Revolutionaries’ lack of hesitation in leaving their teammate to die, there will be a price to pay.

  • SUICIDE SQUAD #3 Release Date: February 26th, 2020 Writer: Tom Taylor Art by: Bruno Redondo Colors by: Adriano Lucas Cover by: Bruno Redondo, Adriano Redondo Variant Cover by: Mico Suayan, Rain Beredo It’s Task Force X’s first mission as a brand-new team of blood enemies, and things have already gone horribly wrong! As Squad members start to turn on each other, the mission rapidly falls to pieces-but new team leader Lok will let no bad deed go unpunished. Who will take the fall? One thing’s for sure: there will be hell to pay…

Suicide Squad #3 arrives in your local comic book shop on February 26th, 2020.

MORE: Batman is Coming For DC’s NEW Suicide Squad