There are a handful of movies that receive cult classic status, and The Princess Bride is definitely among them. Despite being created in the 1980s, it remains a beloved film for people of all ages. It seems that it has also stayed a beloved film for the cast and crew, who have had reunions and written about the experience. At the time, many of the actors were relatively unknown from a young Fred Savage as the grandson to Robin Wright as Princess Buttercup.

But what about the film makes it timeless and memorable, and what hasn’t aged well over time?

Timeless: A Good Story

In the opening, the grandfather comes to see his grandson (a young Fred Savage), who is sick. He comes to visit and read him The Princess Bride. The grandfather tells his grandson that this was the story that his father read to him and that he read to his son. This generational sharing of the story mirrors how people have since shared the film.

At first, his grandson isn’t thrilled to have to listen to a story until he learns that the Princess Bride is a tale of “fencing, fighting, torture, revenge, giants, monsters, chases, escapes, true love, miracles.” All of these ingredients make the story something unique. There’s adventure and romance, drama and comedy, friendships and enemies. This tale doesn’t just keep us awake, it keeps us intrigued.

Hasn’t Aged Well: The 1980s Fashion And Decor

Strangely enough, the scenes of the movie shot in the “present-day” seem the most dated upon viewing. We have a grandson playing a video game that young viewers could only imagine in a museum. In addition, we have 1980s hair and fashion. These elements date the movie, whereas the princess part of the story feels a little more fluid.

Although we have to say that we love when Deadpool redid the grandson’s bedroom, putting Fred Savage in the scene to help promote the new Deadpool film. This shows that while it may be an old set, very much located in the 1980s, it still is remembered fondly.

Timeless: The Iconic Lines

There are so many lines from the film that are memorable. We have, “inconceivable,” the quote Vizzini keeps on saying when he notices that the Dread Pirate Roberts (Westley in disguise) appears unstoppable in his quest to get the kidnapped Princess Buttercup. In addition, we have the revenge chant that Inigo Montoya practices his whole life, waiting for the time when he can kill the man who killed his father: “My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.”

Lastly, we have the beautiful, “As you wish,” which really means I love you. This is said by Westley to Princess Buttercup, and in the “present-day” story by the grandfather to the grandson. It’s an enchanting line that sticks around long after the film is over.

Hasn’t Aged Well: A Passive Heroine

It’s true that there are moments when Princess Buttercup tries to exert power, such as when she tries to use her tie with the Prince in order to shield/protect Westley. However, we have to admit that Princess Buttercup is largely a passive heroine.

She is in the damsel in distress, constantly needing to be rescued. While this is a common trope in similar fairy-tale-like stories, it doesn’t age well. Even Disney princesses have become less passive over the years.

Timeless: The Quirky Humor

Humor can be something that dates a film, but since the humor in this film is so quirky and off-beat, it makes it more timeless. The humor also plays with the audience’s expectations. An example of this is when we meet the Albino cleaning up Westley’s wound from being tortured. Westley asks where he is, and the Albino starts to croak in a  foreboding voice, “the pits of despair.” This voice is what the audience expects, but the Albino just has a frog in his throat. He coughs and sounds normal for the rest of his dialogue.

Another example is with Miracle Max. After Miracle Max brings back to life a “mostly-dead” Westley, he and his wife, Valerie, send Inigo, Fezzik, and Westley on their way to storm the castle. She and he muse if the trio will be successful. Tongue in cheek, he puns, “It would take a miracle.” This goes against what we would expect of a wise man.

Hasn’t Aged Well: An Attempted Death By Suicide

Princess Buttercup feels that she can’t escape the Prince and decides that the only route out is suicide. She starts to aim the knife’s point at her chest when luckily Westley stops her.

This is presented in the film as the passive Buttercup having some agency, but this type of agency wouldn’t sit as well with modern audiences. Although it gave us one of the best lines from Westley, “There’s a shortage of perfects breasts in this world. It’d be a pity to damage yours.” Still, we want better for Buttercup, for her to think of another way to escape the Prince, rather than by death.

Timeless: A Story Within A Story

The film has an unusual overall story structure. The princess story is framed by another story–that of the grandson and grandfather. The grandson interrupts the story and is affected by it. They both become part of the story as the grandfather reads it to his grandson.

In the end, the grandfather tells his grandson, “As you wish,” which the grandson understands to mean I love you. This layering of stories intrigues audiences and keeps interest.

Hasn’t Aged Well: Cutting The Kisses Out

One thing that hasn’t aged well is the grandson’s interruptions that ask to cut all the kissing scenes out, except the last one.

This was meant to display his age, being grossed out by kissing. However, modern-day audiences and kids wouldn’t care much about this, especially since the kisses are tame by today’s standards. This level of interruption feels a little dated.

Timeless: The Dread Pirate Roberts Scheme

Westley is introduced to us as the Dread Pirate Roberts. However, he wasn’t the original. Westley explains to Buttercup the scheme.

The Dread Pirate Roberts didn’t kill Westley but instead trained him to take his place, so that he could retire. This cycle had been going for years, and the original pirate had long since retired. This side-plot doesn’t get as much attention, but it is unique and interesting. It’s small details like these that make the film stand out.

Hasn’t Aged Well: Expecting Someone To Wait

Westley is initially bitter with Buttercup because she didn’t wait for him. Nevermind, that a Prince basically ordered her, a commoner, to marry him. Still, Westley felt that she should have waited.

He also ignores the fact that she did wait for five years after hearing he was killed by the Dread Pirate Roberts. To add to that, Westley never made any attempt to communicate to her that he was still alive. Still, she was expected to wait.

While this may appear romantic, the expectation isn’t fair to Buttercup and hasn’t aged well. It paints Westley in a slightly less favorable hue. However, we are still willing to give him a second chance.