Intel offered an interesting tech preview of a new technology, Light Peak optical device interconnect, at IDF this week. The technology enables a computer to drive a greater-than-HD display while saturating an SSD RAID – all over one single cable. This new tech seems pretty likely to interest any high-end video or graphics professional, and is the kind of interconnect we kind of anticipate will be of use in the future digital home…but what makes this demo interesting is the operating system that’s being run on the hackintosh machine – Mac OS X…

  Seems like poetry to us: After all, we know that Apple had OS X running on Intel processors inside its deepest, darkest, most secret labs for many years before the Intel transition. Now it suggests PC makers may even now have OS X running on their machines, hoping always Apple will one day liberate its operating system from its hardware. And while that seems unlikely, it’s nice to know there’s always that possibility for Apple to rapidly expand its OS market share. (Equally, of course, it could be a Mac-based development system used under license to test what the Mac excels at – graphics cabability…) Via: Engadget