Games in the lineup

There are six games available during the month of September to play for free, starting the first Tuesday of September.

Vote to Play Winner: Grow Home via PS4 - Platformer game full of adventure while a robot named B. U. D is on a quest to discover a plant that can help his home planet survive.   Super Time Force via PS4 and PS Vita - Action game with side scrolling and shooter gameplay. Time Force is a time-traveling military organization striving to supply the world with a better living quality. Xeodrifter via PS4 and PS Vita -  Action adventure game with metroidvania qualities where the player is in control of an astronaut fighting for his life when his ship is damaged. Repairing the ship is the main goal. Twisted Metal via PS3 - Multiplayer action car fighting game with weapons of plenty and many estranged characters. Teslagrad via PS4 and PS3 - Platforming puzzle game with action elements while discovering secrets throughout a Tesla Tower. Playing as a young boy who must break a conspiracy.   La-Mulana EX via PS Vita - A metroidvania Indiana Jones themed 2D platformer game. Using puzzle solving strategy the quest to find the treasure of the La-Mulana ruins is at stake.  

With such a large lineup for the upcoming month it’s to no question why Sony has the PS Plus membership available to their loyal customers. 

Are there any games you wish would appear on the PS Plus Free games list? Comment below with your thoughts!