Every device when initially released has some minor niggling issues, which are then fixed by its OEM down the line with software updates. The OnePlus One is no exception here and comes with its own share of problems including a poor touch experience marred with ghost swipes.  Due to the bug, whenever a user types quickly on their OnePlus One, the device registers it as a swipe instead of multiple key presses within a short time — a very frustrating bug to face especially when you are in a hurry. Earlier this month, the Cyanogen team managed to isolate the issue to the touch panel firmware from Synaptics and has since then been working closely with them on fixing it. The good news is that the Cyanogen team today merged an updated touch panel firmware in the CM11 repository for the OnePlus One, and initial reports suggest that it fixes the ghost swipes bug and greatly improves the touchscreen responsiveness. The team is trying to push out an OTA update containing the new touch panel along with some more bug-fixes that should fix the battery draining bug introduced in the Android 4.4.4 update as soon as possible. However, if you cannot wait for that long, you can always wait and flash the next CyanogenMod 11 nightly for the One, which will include the updated touch firmware. If you want to stick to CM11S itself, you can also flash the latest kernel from Franco, which also includes these changes along with fixes for the power-draining bug.