Bobby is the unsung hero of Queer Eye, so here are our 10 favorite Bobby memes! Netflix’s new Queer Eye just came back from Japan and is now gearing up for a fifth season, leaving many fans to wonder where the Fab Five will go next and whose lives they’ll change. Of course, the real question is whether or not Bobby will finally get the recognition he deserves.

Bobby Berk, who owned his own design firm before joining the Netflix show, is the Fab Five’s design expert. While Tan revamps people’s wardrobes, Antoni teaches them how to cook nutritious meals, Karamo helps them grow on the inside, and Jonathan gives them a hair and skin makeover, Bobby is busy remodeling their entire house with only minutes of screen time at best. Luckily, all of that hard work has resulted in some pretty fantastic memes, and here are 10 of the best ones.


Bobby is a mysterious man. He holds many secrets, most of which are having to do with his superhuman renovation abilities. At this point, he has completely remodeled houses, apartments, church centers, offices, and teachers lounges, and he often only has a handful of days to complete his work. He doesn’t seem too keen on revealing his secrets just yet, but he’s got to crack at some point. Maybe he’s a wizard.


While Netflix seems to have the budget of a super villain, it can be pretty clear how the funds are distributed in Queer Eye, and that distribution is far from even. Tan finds a sensible place to buy nice clothes, Jonathan picks up some lotions and pomade from Walgreens, Karamo signs up for an intro session at a rock climbing gym, Antoni picks up some produce from the farmers market, and Bobby drops tens of thousands of dollars on a complete gut renovation project.

Three Day Job

Oh, and by the way, that huge renovation project that was mentioned needs to be done in about three days. Permits alone can take months to acquire for most people, depending on the local regulations, but Bobby manages to make the impossible possible in every episode.

Is remodeling an entire house a three day job? It is for Bobby Berk. Forget Marvel and DC, Bobby is a true superhero.

One Good Look

Speaking of unsung heroes, therapists have it rough. They are basically the Bobbys of the mind, performing impossible renovations on people’s feelings and emotional intelligence. Bobby’s reaction, to what can only be assumed was a closed floor plan apartment with egg shell paint, is probably similar to the reactions of therapists as they peer into the minds of today’s meme and pop culture-obsessed youth.

Antoni Gets All the Glory

Every single member of the Fab Five deserves every bit of credit that they get. They do amazing work and have helped their many heroes, as well as their millions of fans. That being said, Bobby could sure use some more love. The guy works his fingers to the bones and tends to kind of get snubbed when it comes to actual screen time. We love Antoni to death, but maybe the avocado slicing could be cut short every once in a while to make room for home building.

A Brand New House

There’s a reason most of these memes have to do with how much work Bobby does. It’s because it’s true. Granted, he may have help from a team of fellow professionals, but credit needs to be given where credit is due. Bobby is over their hauling lumber, converting entire floor plans for wheelchair accessibility, and creating style from nothing, while everyone else is shopping and shooting the breeze.


The “slaps roof” meme has yet to grow old, as is evident in this example of why Bobby is in charge of the home renovations. Not only is he giving people a more functional and stylish home to live in, but he’s improving their social life and mental health by giving them more opportunities to entertain and relax with friends.

Love seats can be a bit too intimate when chilling with friends, but sectionals can fit plenty of friends comfortably without invading each other’s personal space.

Putting Up Drywall

It almost hurts to see how accurate this description of Queer Eye is. Four of the Fab Five look like they’re having a blast doing what they do. They make jokes, they shop, they laugh, they cry, they eat snacks, they go on adventures. Meanwhile, Bobby is left at home to put up drywall, among other things. Granted, he looks like he’s having a blast too, and he’s doing what he loves, so he’s probably not complaining.

Left On Read

Some people just don’t seem to understand texting etiquette. Leaving someone “on read” has become one of the most brutal things someone can do to another human being. This is where someone receives a text message, reads it, and doesn’t respond. The sender is then left staring at their sent message, with the little “read at this time” note attached to it as a constant reminder that the person they sent that text to doesn’t love them. That might be a bit (or perhaps extremely) melodramatic, though, especially in the case of being “left on read” by Bobby, because he’s probably busy building an entire house with his mysterious house-building super powers.

Fairy Dust

And just like that, Bobby reveals his secrets. After years of homes, office spaces, community centers, and everything in between being completely renovated in a matter of days with more style than most people can even dream of, the truth is out for the world to see. Was it hard work and determination? Was it a dedicated staff of trained professionals? Was it the bottomless pit that is Netflix’s budget? Nope, it was fairy dust the whole time.